li.lm {margin-left:-25px} body { margin:0; padding:0; border:0; /* This removes the border around the viewport in old versions of IE */ width:100%; background:#fff; min-width:600px; /* Minimum width of layout - remove line if not required */ /* The min-width property does not work in old versions of Internet Explorer */ font-size:90%; } a { color:#369; } a:hover { color:#f0f; background:#369; text-decoration:none; } h1, h2, h3 { margin:.8em 0 .2em 0; padding:0; } p { margin:.4em 0 .8em 0; padding:0; } img { margin:10px 0 5px; } table { width: 100%; text-align: center; } /* Header styles */ #header { clear:both; float:left; width:100%; color:white; height: 150px; background: blue; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, #0000FF, #8B008B); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */ background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, #0000FF, #8B008B); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, #0000FF, #8B008B); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #0000FF, #8B008B); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */ } #header p, #header h1, #header h2 { padding:.4em 15px 0 15px; margin:0; text-align:center; } #header ul { clear:left; float:left; width:100%; list-style:none; margin:10px 0 0 0; padding:0; } #header ul li { display:inline; list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } #header ul li a { display:block; float:left; margin:0 0 0 1px; padding:3px 10px; text-align:center; background:#eee; color:#000; text-decoration:none; position:relative; left:15px; line-height:1.3em; } #header ul li a:hover { background:#369; color:#fff; } #header ul li, #header ul li { color:#fff; background:#000; font-weight:bold; } #header ul li a span { display:block; } /* 'widths' sub menu */ #layoutdims { clear:both; background:#eee; border-top:4px solid #000; margin:0; padding:6px 15px !important; text-align:right; } /* column container */ .colmask { position:relative; /* This fixes the IE7 overflow hidden bug */ clear:both; float:left; width:100%; /* width of whole page */ overflow:hidden; /* This chops off any overhanging divs */ } /* common column settings */ .colright, .colmid, .colleft { float:left; width:100%; /* width of page */ position:relative; } .col1, .col2, .col3 { float:left; position:relative; padding:0 0 1em 0; /* no left and right padding on columns, we just make them narrower instead only padding top and bottom is included here, make it whatever value you need */ overflow:hidden; } /* 3 Column settings */ .threecol { background:#fff; /* right column background colour */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, #fff, #eee); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */ background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */ } .threecol .colmid { right:25%; /* width of the right column */ background:#fff; /* center column background colour */ } .threecol .colleft { right:50%; /* width of the middle column */ background:#fff; /* right column background colour */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, #fff, #eee); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */ background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #fff, #eee); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */ } .threecol .col1 { width:46%; /* width of center column content (column width minus padding on either side) */ left:100%; /* 100% plus left padding of center column */ padding:1em; border-left:1px solid gray; border-right:1px solid gray; } .threecol .col2 { width:21%; /* Width of left column content (column width minus padding on either side) */ left:31%; /* width of (right column) plus (center column left and right padding) plus (left column left padding) */ } .threecol .col3 { width:20%; /* Width of right column content (column width minus padding on either side) */ left:85%; /* Please make note of the brackets here: (100% - left column width) plus (center column left and right padding) plus (left column left and right padding) plus (right column left padding) */ } /* added 6/3/17 to display "home page" on claw in header */ .msg { display:none; font-size:x-small; text-align:center; } /* added 6/17/17 to have table-less header div */ .imageHolderLeft { float: left; position: relative; } .imageHolderLeft .caption { opacity: 0; position: absolute; bottom: 30px; left: 20px; color: white; text-align: center; } .imageHolderLeft:hover .caption { opacity: 1; } .imageHolderRight { float: right; position: relative; } .imageHolderRight .caption { opacity: 0; position: absolute; bottom: 30px; left: 9px; color: white; text-align: center; } .imageHolderRight:hover .caption { opacity: 1; } .transparent { background-color: transparent; } /*----- to float images to the right --*/ .TextWrapRight { float: right; margin: 10px; } /*----- and to the left --*/ .TextWrapLeft { float: left; margin: 10px; } span:hover + div { display: block; } /* exoplanet basic typography */ .exoplanet-h { color: pink !important; font-size: 60px; weight: 600; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .exoplanet-t { font-size: 30px; weight: 500; font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /* shadow effects */ .moonshadow { text-shadow:0 0 20px #888; } .textshadow { color: white; text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black, 1px 0 black, 0 -1px black; } .textshadow-reverse { color: black; text-shadow: -1px 0 white, 0 1px white, 1px 0 white, 0 -1px white; } /* for the wait list form */ .invisible-box { display: inline-block; width: 1000px; height: 500px; margin: 3px; top: 15%; width: 100%; } /* for the wait list form */ .floating-box { display: inline-block; width: 1000px; height: 600px; margin: 3px; border: 2px solid #73AD21; color:#fff; background-color: #111; text-align: left; padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 5%; } /* align right */ .right-top { display: inline-block; /* width: 240px; */ /* height: 137px; */ margin: 3px; /* opacity: .9; */ color: none; background: transparent; /* border: 2px solid #73AD21; */ /* color:#fff; */ /* background-color: #111; */ position: absolute; right: 0; top : 0; } /* align right */ .right-bottom { display: inline-block; width: 230px; height: 137px; margin: 3px; border: 2px solid #73AD21; color:#fff; background-color: #111; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; } .bottom-align { display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 100%; right:0; } /* align left */ .left-bottom { display: inline-block; width: 230px; height: 137px; margin: 3px; border: 2px solid #73AD21; color:#fff; background-color: #111; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; } .black-on-white { color: white; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 1px 1px 0 #000; } /* clearfix solution to float boxes, added 05/23/2019 */ * { box-sizing: border-box; } .box { float: left; width: 33.33%; padding: 50px; } .clearfix::after { content: ""; clear: both; display: table; } /* For phone screens, trying to fix Brave blurb on bottom-right which otherwise overlays the entry form */ @media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) { .right-bottom { display:contents; } } /* Footer styles */ #footer { clear:both; float:left; width:100%; border-top:1px solid #000; color:white; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 120px; background-color: #111; } #footer p { margin:0; }